Your Brain Waves

• Tune up your brain waves and neurotransmitters.

• Entrain your mind to operate in Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta or Gamma.

• Improve your brain performance and concentration.

• Feel relaxed. Feel energized. Study better. Meditate better. Sleep better.

• The Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta and Gamma brain waves are offered here in a downloadable format.

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By Javier Ramon Brito

What are brain waves?

Brain waves are the wave-like patterns of electrical activity that is produced in your brain when its billions of nerve cells (neurons) communicate among them. Physically, your brainwaves can be observed through EEG (electroencephalograph) instruments and their speed is accurately measured in hertz (cycles per second) frequencies.

Brain waves correspond to your state of mind

The interesting point here is that these brainwave patterns correspond to your various states of mind. They show how you are vibrating. Your brainwaves reflect and change according to what you are feeling and doing during the day and night. For instance, when slower brainwaves prevail in your brain, you may feel either dreamy and relaxed or sluggish and tired. And when the higher brain frequencies are the prevalent ones in your brain, you may feel either energized and wired or hyper-alert and anxious.

Audio entrainment

And yes, with the help of audio entrainment (AE) you can intentionally change your brainwave patterns. Brainwave entrainment is the capacity of your brain to vibrationally synchronize its brainwave frequencies with the rhythm of external stimuli. Audio entrainment uses sounds in specific hertz frequencies to help you attain the desired brainwave states in a non-invasive manner. You just have to listen to the appropriate sound frequencies through your ears.

audio entrainment

The five brain waves and their related states of mind

You brainwaves can be grouped into five main different categories: Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta and Gamma. The ideal is that you have all your brain waves operating in their correct ranges, but in reality it is common that people have one or more of these frequencies out of their exact range, for one or other reason and especially because of the modern hectic lifestyle. You can tell by your symptoms.

Beta waves: concentration and focus

Most adults are predominant in Beta waves (13-30 Hz), which are associated with alertness and left-brain activity (logical and analytical reasoning). They allow you to work effectively throughout the day, but in excess it can lead to stress, agitation and anxiety, perhaps caused by too much dopamine release. So boosting beta brain waves is good for people who want to be energized when they wake up in the morning and feel lethargic or a bit foggy. It is also recommended for people who want to study better and increase focus and concentration, which normally lack when beta waves are low. Some studies recommend beta waves for people with ADD and ADHD, who normally have abundant alpha and theta waves but low beta waves. But increasing beta waves is not good for people who are already too energized, wired, critical, with a bad temper, hyper-alert or anxious. And naturally, you should not boost beta brain waves before you go to sleep, because that could cause insomnia.

beta brainwaves, concentration, focus, study

Alpha waves: relaxation

Your Alpha waves (7-12 Hz) relate to a state of relaxation and a wakeful, effortless awareness where concentration, learning, imagination and visualization are heightened. Alpha waves are normally linked with a meditation state and a deep sense of inner peace that is generated by the release of acetylcholine while in this state. If you feel dreamy or happen to be daydreaming you may not need to increase them. Boosting these brain waves is good for anyone who is too energized and wired, who has perhaps too much beta waves in the mind and not enough alpha waves. It is worth mentioning that according to research, symptoms like anxiety or even panic attacks are linked to a decrease of Alpha waves, accompanied by an increase in Beta waves. By the same token, Alpha waves help you to overcome addictions and depression, since depression is normally a result of low alpha waves combined with high Beta waves. Alpha brain waves are important for your serotonin release and can help you relax faster after a stressful day. They can also get you into a gentle meditative state. They are also helpful in the evening to relax your body and calm your racing thoughts and active mind before you go to sleep.

alpha brainwaves, relaxation

Theta waves: deep meditation and REM state

Your Theta waves (4-8 Hz) are associated with deep meditation, the REM dream state, insight, spiritual connection and access to the subconscious mind. Theta waves are essential for the release of GABA, which is a balancing brain chemical that helps to reduce stress and anxiety by inducing relaxation and decreasing over-excitement. It is good to boost your Theta waves in the evening to go deeper than the alpha state, or to help you sleep better, but not in the morning or when you are driving, operating machinery or doing things that require your full attention and sharpness, because they can make you feel a bit sleepy and dreamy. When it comes to meditation, it is worth pointing out that Tibetan monks, who are expert meditators, have been found to produce in their brain abundant Theta and Delta brainwaves during their deep meditative state.

theta brainwaves, deep meditation

Delta waves: deep sleep

Your Delta waves (0.5-4 Hz) correspond to the deep sleep that is needed for regeneration of your body and mind and can also be attained during profound transcendental meditation like the one practiced by Tibetan monks, as previously said. It is worth mentioning that Delta waves are important for the release of serotonin and the human growth hormone, which are needed to regenerate both the body and the brain. When Delta waves and Theta waves are very low, people experience insomnia or trouble sleeping because they have too much energy or over-excitement before going to bed. As with the Theta waves, Delta waves are therefore helpful at night, but should not be boosted in the morning or when you driving, operating machinery or doing things that require your full attention, because they can make you feel sleepy and dreamy.

delta brainwaves, deep sleep

Gamma waves

The Gamma waves (25-100 Hz, with typical oscillations of 40 Hz) are associated with cognitive consciousness and studies suggest that gamma waves reinforce the mechanism of cognitive control of emotion, together with increased mental activity, freedom from distractibility, high levels of information processing and learning and focus. They also assists with improving and maintaining memory and with preventing migraines. It is said that Gamma waves can help you stop feeling stressed and depressed and that they may prevent Alzheimer and schizophrenia. A study at the Center for Neuroacoustic Research indicates a possible deficiency of Gamma activity associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Just like Beta waves, they are helpful for people who want to increase their focus and process of information. But on the other side, increasing Gamma waves is not good for people who are already too energized, stressed and wired, for whom an increase in Gamma waves could lead to more agitation and stress.

gamma brainwaves, information processing, learning

Binaural beats, monaural beats and isochronic tones

Now that you know the basics of brainwaves, you may want to use this knowledge for your benefit and use audio entrainment to change or adjust your brainwave patterns according to your personal, specific needs. To achieve this, audio entrainment resorts to the use of binaural beats, monaural beats or isochronic tones. Many people use them today and there are many studies that document their beneficial effects (see the bottom of this article for scientific reseach and studies on the subject). However, as a precaution, it is advised that people with a history of epilepsy or seizures or heart problems, as well as pregnant women consult a qualified physician before using audio entrainment products.

Binaural beats (discovered in1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove) work by sending a different hertz frequency to each ear, so that the brain detects the difference between the two frequencies and is entrained to the desired brainwave. Because of this, binaural beats require the use of headphones. Monaural beats also use two different frequencies, but they are mixed externally (in a recording process), outside of the brain and before they are sent to the ears, which then receive the resulting sound already mixed. Therefore, monaural beats do not require the use of headphones and are smoother. Isochronic tones use a single tone that pulsates on and off rapidly, inducing thereby a neural response that leads to the brain entrainment.

While the three methods can be effective for audio entrainment purposes, people have different preferences. I personally do not like the on and off pulsation of isochronic tones and therefore prefer to use either binaural beats or monaural beats. They are gentler when you listen to them in their pure form, without music or additional effects to cover them up.

The Five Brain Wave Frequencies Pack

Since the science behind these healing sounds resides in their exact frequencies measured in hertz, I took interest in producing these exact frequencies, in their pure vibratory form, in my recording studio. So this audio entrainment is now easily available to you.

I have prepared for you a whole set of the five brainwaves: Alpha, Theta, Delta, Beta and Gamma (10 minutes each), so you can download them and experience their benefits according to your personal needs. These are binaural beats and I have even used Pythagorean frequencies as the carrier frequencies in order to make them even more harmonic for you.

I did not add any music or special effects to these frequencies because, had I done that, you would not be able to clearly distinguish one thing from the other. These are the pure, "organic", unaltered, electromagnetic vibratory healing sound frequencies of the Alpha, Theta, Delta, Beta and Gamma brainwaves.

To give you a taste of what they sound like, you can listen to a 10 second sample of the Alpha Waves here:

Listen with headphones to a 10 second PREVIEW of the Alpha Waves:

Of course, the actual recording lasts 10 minutes. People usually need only about 10 minutes to experience the audio entrainment. If you need more, just replay the recording or listen to it on repeat mode.

The benefits you can get from listening to these binaural beats

Use the brain wave frequencies according to your specific needs. You do not have to listen to all of them on the same day. You may want to be relaxed after a stressful day, or meditate easily, or be energized in the morning when you feel lethargic, or be more focused and increase your concentration to study better, or beat insomnia and have a better sleep pattern. Basically:

• Use the Alpha waves for relaxation after a stressful day or to meditate.
• Use the Beta waves for energy and focus in the morning.
• Use the Theta waves for deep meditation and sleep.
• Use the Delta waves to facilitate deep sleep.
• Use the Gamma waves for high level mental activity and good memory.

How to listen to these frequencies and how often

Listen to these frequencies with headphones (or earbuds), since they are binaural beats. A common question is: "How long do I have to listen to the brain wave audio files?" Most people feel the healing effects after 5 to 10 minutes of listening to a brainwave audio file. In any case, each of the recordings in this set lasts for 10 minutes, so you have ample time to feel and experience the benefits. As with all binaural beats, it is usually recommended to listen to the brainwave of your choice (according to your needs as described in this article) once or maximum twice a day only. That’s all you need.

Download the Five Brain Wave Frequencies Pack

When you check out with the secure payment server using your PayPal balance or your credit or debit card, you immediately get the download links. You also receive in your inbox an instant email with the links to download these frequencies.

Listen to these frequencies for healing purposes on your computer (PC or Mac) or transfer the audio files from your computer to your IPod, MP3 Player, tablet or smartphone. Or burn a CD for your home stereo. Use headphones to benefit the most from these frequencies. Enjoy them.

Feel relaxed. Feel energized. Study better. Sleep better.

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Only $10.00 USD

Immediate download

The Five Brain Wave Frequencies in MP3 format.
Listen to these frequencies on your PC, Mac, IPod, MP3 Player, tablet or smartphone.


• The Alpha Wave Frequency (10 minutes)
• The Beta Wave Frequency (10 minutes)
• The Theta Wave Frequency (10 minutes)
• The Delta Wave Frequency (10 minutes)
• The Gamma Wave Frequency (10 minutes)


Scientific Research and Studies on Brain Waves

Abeln, V, et al. "Brainwave Entrainment for Better Sleep and Post-Sleep State of Young Elite Soccer Players - a Pilot Study." Advances in Pediatrics, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2014. Link

Cauley Kennerly, Richard. "An Empirical Investigation Into the Effect of Beta Frequency Binaural-Beat Audio Signals on Four Measures of Human Memory." HemiSync, The Monroe Institute, 25 Sept. 2017. Link

"Gamma Brain Waves Infographic - Transparent Corp." Isochronic Tones - What They Are: The Research and the Benefits. Link

Huang, T. L., and C. Charyton. "A Comprehensive Review of the Psychological Effects of Brainwave Entrainment." Advances in Pediatrics, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2008. Link

Le, R P, et al. "Use of Binaural Beat Tapes for Treatment of Anxiety: a Pilot Study of Tape Preference and Outcomes." Advances in Pediatrics, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Jan. 2001. Link

Licklider, J. C. R., et al. "On the Frequency Limits of Binaural Beats." Acoustical Society of America, Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1 Jan. 1970. PDF

Oster, Gerald, Dr. "Auditory Beats in the Brain." PDF.

Rimka, Stephanie J, Dr. "Anxiety and Stress - Atlanta" (Brainwaves and Neurotransmitters). Brain and Body Solutions. Link

Thompson, Jeffrey D., Dr. "The Science Behind The Sounds: Brainwaves And States Of Mind." Center for Neuroacoustic Research, 2013. PDF